Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A word to the wise.

When you're travelling, and carrying lots of luggage, you have to make a choice. You can either find a place close to the train station or airport, and have a potentially long journey into the sight seeing, or you can choose to stay somewhere close to the sight seeing, and lug your luggage (obviously) half way across town on public transport to get it to your hotel.

I sincerely and earnestly counsel the former. It's a much better plan, I think, to catch public transport for an hour, without the added burden of 30kg of clothing and already accrued souvenirs. I wish we'd caught a plane into Amsterdam, as the hotel we ended up choosing was near there, rather than near the train station... we had the best of both worlds in that case. We had to haul ourselves 30 minutes out of town with our luggage, then 30 minutes back into town without it to look around... rinse and repeat.

We tried not to make that mistake again, let me assure you.



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