Tuesday, August 15, 2006


The other week (I really need to keep on top of these things, don't I?) we went and saw Staind live. I've been waiting just on about 8 years for them to come and visit our shores, and I was not going to miss out on the opportunity to see them live.

I use the term them loosely, given that the entire show consisted of two people, Aaron Lewis singing, and sometimes playing guitar, and Mike Somethingsomething just playing guitar, the lazy bastard. I have no problem with this arrangement, as most of their songs fit this mode quite well. I think Kris was bored to tears, there was no screaming, and everyone knows how she loves the screamed vocals.

As you'd expect, most of their setlist was from their new album, but they did hit the most popular songs from their older stuff. I was a little disappointed to only hear two or three songs off their major hit in Australia, but I can also give them the benefit of the doubt, as I am sure most of the fans who were there were there just to hear the newer stuff anyway.

The tickets said that we were meant to be there by 8, and not caring about the "Special Guests" listed on the ticket, didn't bother showing up until just after 8:30. To find a queue of people half way along the street at Fox Studios, waiting to be let in. I figured that the support act must be pretty pissed that there was NOONE inside listening to them. We eventually made it through the doors, and found a decent spot, only to be confronted with nobody on stage. Waiting another hour, 9:30 rolls around, and Staind come on. Apparently the surprise guests were so surprising they didn't actually come on stage. Oh well, not to worry.

The only down side to the night was Jabba. Well named. I understand it was a promo tour, but there's no need to stop the set at regular intervals to have an audience Q&A with the band. And you're annoying. Get off.

After the set, the band stayed behind for an audience signing, which was another very cool move on their part. Unfortunately, I did not know this was happening, so I had NOTHING to get signed. I would have asked them to sign my ass, but I could not really sell that on eBay, so there was not much point.

All in all, I really enjoyed the show. I think next time I'd like them to come back with the whole band... does it really cost that much to ship a set of drums over from the US?

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