Thursday, December 29, 2005

Those whacky Chinese Special Adminstrative Regionese.

Hong Kong. Having arrived fairly late in the afternoon, and knowing that we had to leave fairly early in the morning, we decided to do what any time-pressed traveller would do in one of the busiest cities in the world. Watch TV.

Then go out and absorb the wonder of this recently regained Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong. The overlords, also known as the Chinese Government decided that you really needed to know that this was not your mother's Hong Kong any more. No more can it simlpy be called Hong Kong. That's not official sounding enough, and we don't want anyone thinking those limey bastards in England still have anything to do with the place, do we?

The citizenry, for the most part, seems to not care, as long as they get the tourism dollars, and don't have to pay much income tax, it's all good right? We wandered around for a few hours, determined not to spend our green on anything that we'd regret having to carry around the rest of the trip. In the end we bought... dinner. Thai Beef Salad from a British Pub in Hong Kong on Hallowe'en. Washed down with Irish beer, no less.

Following this sumptuous, if slightly oddly themed meal we soon tired of the desparing looks of beggars upon learning we only had Australian currency for change, so we wandered out of the main shopping drag (which made it very easy to not buy anything we'd regret) and looked around the rest of the place for a little while. Having forgotten our camera in the hotel room, we have no evidence we were actually in TCSAR of Hong Kong.



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